Our View of Church Membership
At Flint Baptist Church, we believe we have a calling to teach people how to live as devoted disciples of Jesus. We desire to encourage and equip you to move beyond your own personal journey, even to the point of intentionally investing in others to help them do the same. This process is known as discipleship; it’s the model Jesus gave us to help the world know and worship Him. Making disciples who make disciples. Whether you haven’t taken your first step in your discipleship journey, or you’ve been a Christian for years, we are ready to help you step into new levels of growth. We would love for you to join our church family and get plugged in!
Those who have joined our church through the official membership process gain some important benefits that enable you to get even more involved in church life: the ability to vote in church business meetings, opportunity to be in a teaching role, and the ability to serve on one of our committees. But more than anything, we simply believe officially joining a church is biblical, brings life and health to the believer and to the church as a whole, and is a way to get even more plugged in as you serve the Lord.

How do I become a member?
Joining the Flint family is a simple process and we are here to help you navigate every step.

We invite you to come join us for one of our worship services on Sundays! See how we worship through song and how the Word is preached clearly and passionately. You’ll have the opportunity to meet other people and get to know what Flint is all about.

If the Holy Spirit leads you, we invite you to respond during our time of invitation at the end of a service. You do this simply by walking down the aisle to meet one of our decision counselors. Let them know you are interested in joining the church and they will be glad to help you from there!

You can join our church in one of 3 ways:
BY LETTER: Joining by letter means you are currently a member of another Baptist church and would like to transfer your membership letter to Flint Baptist Church. Simply let us know where you are a member, and we will contact them requesting to transfer your letter.
BY STATEMENT: Joining by statement means you have committed to follow Jesus and have participated in water baptism after salvation by immersion sometime in the past in a denomination of like faith.
BY BAPTISM: The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to become a disciple of Christ. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their authentic, joyful commitment to Christ. If you have questions about baptism, we invite you to speak with one of our Senior Staff members.

New Member Orientation
We offer New Member Orientation classes each month. In general, these classes take place on the first Wednesday of each month (in the evening) and on the 3rd Sunday of the month (in the morning). You simply pick one you’d like to attend and sign up. The class is one hour in length, led by our Associate Pastor, Bro. Park Robertson. You’ll be introduced to the church staff, given a brief overview of key doctrines and beliefs at Flint, and have your picture taken for our church directory and church app. At the end of the class, all participants are taken to the Worship Center to be introduced to the church.

We encourage new members to find ways to get plugged. Find a Sunday School class that works well for your family. Use your gifts and time to serve in a ministry. Go on a mission trip. Participate in an outreach. And don’t forget to be an active student of God’s Word and diligent in prayer. We’re here to help you, as we all seek to become more like Christ together.