Sukwa Scripture Adoption Project

About the Project


Through the adopt-a-verse project and Seed Company’s “Be One. Imagine Zero” campaign, Flint Baptist Church recently worked together to:

  • Translate, print, and audio record Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and Romans
  • Translate and audio record the “JESUS” film script

This means that those who speak the Sukwa language will finally have understandable Scripture to encourage Christians and to counter the influence of traditional religion in their region. All because of your generosity and faithfulness to give and support this project!

Thank you for your generosity and desire to see the gospel go to all nations.

Praise God: Goal Completed!
Praise God: Goal Completed!

Flint Baptist Church: you did it.  You adopted 4,148 verses. This puts Mark, Luke, John, Acts and Romans in the hands of the Sukwa people in their own language. We know the power of the Word of God. We know God’s Word is “living and active“; imagine the impact of having it in your own language for the first time! For God’s glory and the good of the Sukwa, we praise God for this completed project!

How To Get Involved

Here are some ways you can get involved and be a part of this project!

Adopt A Verse In-Person

Verses are $10 each, and you can adopt as many verses as you'd like. Adopt in-person in our foyer starting June 2nd. Our staff and volunteers will walk you through the process.

Adopt A Verse Online

Can't be here in person? We would still love for you to partner with us for this project! You can adopt your verses online. Click the button the button to get started.

Adopt Online

Give Online

You can simply give funds towards the project by clicking the button below. Give anytime!

Give Now

Learn More

Check out these 3 videos for more information on the project!

About the Sukwa
About Seed Company
Who Is Seed Company?

Seed Company has a mission to accelerate the work of Bible translation by connecting local field partners around the world with investors, resources, and training.

Through these global partnerships, God’s people are being equipped to reach communities still waiting for Scripture in the languages they understand best.